In the developing world, 9 out of 10 people who are blind, don’t have to be. The only reason they are blind is the country they live in. If they lived in the UK they’d have their sight back.
At Global Sights Solutions we work with like minded communities in the poorest parts of the developing world to establish eye care hospitals that provide a full range of eye care for FREE. So far we’ve opened over 70 hospitals worldwide, which means people like Ade really don’t have to be blind anymore.
How We Use Your Donations.
Your kind and generous donations enable us to provide essential resources and services to those who need them the most. We have access to Rotary Foundation Grants, which can increase each donation by up to a massive 500%. This increase can make an enormous difference in someone's life and positively impact the lives of those around them.
Completing a new starter hospital with all the necessary medical equipment costs around £80,000 – a considerable figure. But access to specially available grants means that a donation of £12,000 is all it takes to achieve the £80,000 target.
As we are 100% a Rotary charity we can obtain generous grants to help with financing its projects. This means a complete cataract operation service can be provided in India, Africa and other parts of the developing world for just £5. A fiver, that's it.
With the help of your generous donations we are able to spread the word through a mixture of events, guest speaker spots and various other channels. Each one helping to raise awareness and help restore sight to those most in need.